Time for another eBay delight! This is a little UV lamp for curing false nail glues. These are definitely taking over from the older Fluoroescent tube based units, and seem to work well enough. In my case, they work well for exposing UV-sensitive PCB substrates for etching as well!

Here the cover has been unclipped from the body, no screws externally. There’s a small PCB, which holds an unmarked microcontroller, the USB input, the power & timer button, and a MOSFET for switching the LED current. A pair of 2Ω resistors in parallel on the right limit current through the LED array, in this case to 1.25A for an output power of 1.56W.

Underneath the body are the apertures for the high-power UV LEDs. In this case there are 6 LEDs, each with a pair of dies of differing wavelengths. The legs fold up for storage.

Removing the 2 screws inside allows the boards to come loose, and this is the front of the aluminium-cored PCB supporting the LEDs. In this case they are all wired in parallel.