An early speed radar detector from the early 90’s. Pictures showing the front of the unit with the option buttons.

Bottom of the unit showing label. Unlike the newer plastic detectors, the whole casing of this unit is cast aluminium.
Model Uniden Stalker RD-6000W.

PCB removed from the casing. Volume/power control on the left. Option tactile switches on the edge of the PCB, with the indicator LEDs. Power input jack on the right hand side of the PCB. Large aluminium can is the detector assembly, containing the detector diodes. Waveguide horn is at the top.

Shot down the waveguide, showing the detector diodes at the end.

Indicators on the front of the unit, X, K & Ka band detection LEDs on the left, Power & detection level (1-4) LEDs in centre. City (C) (Audio (A) & Mute (M) LEDs on the right.

Bottom of the PCB, showing detection logic. Piezo buzzer top left.

Custom Uniden CPU. Marking UC1465.