This is a small 120W power inverter, intended for small loads such as lights, fans, small TVs & laptop computers.

End cover of the unit, 12v DC input cord at the top, power switch & indicator LEDs at the bottom.

Opposite end of the unit, with the standard 240v AC 50Hz Mains output socket.

Cover removed from the top of the unit. Main power transformer is visible in the centre here, MOSFET bank is under the steel clamp on the left, the aluminium case forms the heatsink.

On the right is a KA3525 switchmode PWM controller & on the left is a LM324N quad Op-Amp IC. The buzzer on the far left is for the low battery warning.

PCB removed from the casing, with the MOSFET bank on the right hand side. Two potentiometers in the centre of the board tweak the frequency of the switcher & the output voltage.