Here is a Sanyo tape recorder, with built in voice activation. Takes standard audio cassettes.
Here visible is the speaker on the left, microphone is on the right of the tape window. The tape counter is at the top.

Back cover removed from the unit, showing the PCB & the connections. The IC is the controller/amplifier.

Top of the PCB, control switches, volume potentiometer & microphone/headphone sockets on the right. DC power jack top left. Switch bottom centre senses what mode the tape drive is in.

Rear of the tape deck, main drive motor is bottom right, driving the capstan through a drive belt. This drives the tape spools through a series of gears & clutches. Belt going to top left drives the tape counter.

Front of the tape drive. Read/write head is top centre. Blue head is bulk erase head used during recording.

Main speaker. 8Ω 0.25W.

Simple mechanical tape counter.