Here is a teardown of the Datakom DKG-171 generator transfer controller. Here is the front of the unit, with the pictogram of the system, the indicator LEDs & the generator test button.
The rear of the unit features the connection points for the mains, generator & generator control I/O.
PCB Rear
Rear of the PCB with the control relays. The two larger relays switch in the remote contactors to switch the mains supply over between the grid & the generator, while the smaller relay switches 12v power out to a terminal to automatically start the generator.
PCB Front
Front of the PCB with the control logic & main PIC microcontroller.
Here is the latest build & addition to the boat, in preparation for delivery of an 8kVa hydraulically driven generator unit – an automatic transfer switch.
Above can be seen the completed contactor unit, mounted in the engine bay.
This unit takes feeders from both the shore power socket & the generator unit & switches them independently through to the domestic 240v AC systems on board.
Contactor switching is done by a Datakom DKG-171 automatic generator controller.
Switching Unit
Here are the contactors & isolators, before fitting to the wallbox. Power comes in one the left, through the large 25A isolating switches, before feeding to a pair of 30A contactors. The pair of outer relays next to the contactors are interlocks. These ensure that when one contactor is energized, the other is electrically locked out. Even if the interlock relay is manually operated with the orange flag visible on the top of the unit, they are wired to de-energize both contactors. This ensures that under no circumstances can both power sources be connected at the same time.
Panel Cutout
The generator controller requires a 68mmx68mm panel cutout for mounting. This was done in the main panel next to the electrical locker.
Box Fitted
Here the contactor board has been fitted into the wallbox & the cable glands fitted before wiring.
DKG-171System Online
The generator controller fitted & finally energized. The indicator LEDs on the front of the unit let the user know where power is currently being supplied from & which contactor is energized.
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