Here is an old chemical dosing system for industrial washing machines. These units are 4-pump models, with dual pumpheads. The motors are reversed to operate alternate pumps in the same head.

From 2006, this is a fairly old unit, and made in the UK.

Main controller PCB, with interface to the power electronics via the ribbon cable, an external serial port for programming to it’s left. Powered by an ST microcontroller. The LCD is below this board.

Main power supply, sense input & motor driver boards. The PSU outputs +5v, +12v & +24v. The inputs on the lower left connect to the washing machine & trigger the pumps via the programming on the CPU. The motors are driven by L6202 H-Bridge drivers from ST.

Motor & gearbox assembly on the back of the pumphead. These are 24v DC units with 80RPM gearboxes.
As it seems to be difficult to find, here is the user manual for this unit:
[download id=”5557″]