Here are the viewfinder electronics from a 1984 Hitachi VHS Movie VM-1200E Camcorder. These small CRT based displays accept composite video as input, plus 5-12v DC for power.

Here is the front face of the CRT, diameter is 0.5″.

Closeup view of the PCB, there are several adjustments & a pair of connectors. Socket in the upper left corner is the power/video input. Pinout is as follows:
- Brown – GND
- Red – Video Input
- Orange – +12v DC
- Yellow – Record LED
- H. ADJ
- V. ADJ

Closeup view of the CRT neck, showing the electron gun assembly.

The old CCTV camera used to feed a composite signal to the CRT board. Sanyo VCC-ZM300P.

Connections at the back of the camera. Red & Black pair of wires lead to 12v power supply, Green & Black pair lead to the CRT board’s power pins. Seperate green wire is pushed into the BNC video connector for the video feed. video ground is provided by the PSU’s ground connection.

Finally the connections at the CRT drive board, left to right, +12v, Video, GND.